Friday 4 March 2011

Look whose stealing UKIP votes

Congratulations to Nigel Farage and Jane Collins - UKIP's astounding performance last night in Barnsley Central -  showed they are truly a force to be reckoned with by more than doubling their share of the vote from 4.7% in May 6th 2010 to 12.2% and moving from 5th postion to 2nd position.
Of course Barnsley Central being an ultra safe Labour seat UKIP voters knew they were safe to vote with their hearts with no concern that by voting UKIP they were going to let in another candidate as on May 6th 2010 Eric Illsley beat the Lib Dems candidate by over 11 thousand votes! In short UKIP supporters in Barnsley Central knew for certain that they had everything to gain and crucially NOTHING to lose by voting UKIP

However this is by no means the case elsewhere in the country where the vote is more evenly split between the BIG three. In these constituencies UKIP supporters dare not vote UKIP for fear of letting in a Lib Dem or Labour candidate. In these constituencies UKIP votes are stolen by David Cameron.

This is why UKIP supporters should vote YES to AV on Thursday May 5th. With AV all UKIP supporters will be free to vote UKIP first,  (regardless of where they happen to live) without any fear of wasting their vote or letting a Lib Dem or Labour candidate in - this will ensure that their UKIP vote will be counted . This will maximise the UKIP vote which will help the party lobby parliament and help grow the party.

If AV wins in May - UKIP's share of the vote in will sky rocket in 2015!  

NO WONDER DAVID CAMERON IS NO to AV!Last election UKIP secured nearly a million votes - but how many more would have voted UKIP if they knew that a) they weren't wasting their vote and b) they weren't enabling a Lib Dem or Labour candidate to steal it or sneak in

And with UKIP's preferred voting system being AV+ you don't need me to tell you that AV is one small but highly significant step in the right direction for UKIP and it's supporters

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